
I. General Informations.

1.The owner of the service at the address is :

Kamila Lipniewska
ul. Szewska 2/4,
86-300 Grudziądz,
NIP EU: PL8393011601
is a natural carrier registered in the CEIDG in Poland.

2.The above service is the invitation for the customers to make offers (thus the prices shown here are not binding until they are confirmed, and the goods combinations are not binding either).

3.Placing an order by the Buyers means they have read the On-line Shop Regulations and commit themselves to obey them.

4.The Seller has the right to change the Regulations at all times and to publish those changes on the service website. All changes are in force after the date of publishing.

5. The seller takes care of proper functioning of the website. Seller reserves that any disturbance in website availability and techinical issues should be notified by user, so the owner could repair the techincal inconveniences. All notes should be send by mail to : or by phon : +48 608 434 670.

6. The owner of the sevice claims to restrict the availability of the website temporarily, only in case of maintenace or website's improvements.

7. Pictures of the wares presented in are just visual. Incase of made to measure clothes (not applicable to in stock items/wares) final product may differ, due to ordering party individual guidelines stated in ordering process ( such as: colors, sizes, sewing techinque or fabrics).

8.All contents within the website, including texts pictures product signs, applications are protected by the law. Any use without written consent, is treated as violation of the law.

9..The Shop is based in the Republic of Poland and the Polish law regulates its principles and the ways of solving disputes.

II. Placing an order.

1.All the prices shown in the website are gross in euro currency.

2.Order placing:
a)The Buyer places an order through "the basket" on the Service website (you need to sign up with our service). Orders can be placed via phone or by mail:
b) The realization of the order starts on the day of deposit of the full amount on our
account.Our company is obligated to implement the order as soon as possible . The realization
takes up to 45 business days (in case of a high standard 60 business days). The realization of the order can also
be speeded up to 14 business days. The customer makes an extra payment in the amount of 25% of
the total order value. After the order has been checked for any possible mistakes and for the availability of the goods, the Buyer receives a confirmation with the details of the ordered goods, the prices and additional cost paid by the Buyer (transport costs, payment costs) as well as the date of delivery. This confirmation is treated as an offer directed to the Buyer who has 14 days for paying for the ordered goods. If the payment is not made, the offer is invalid and annulled.
c)The offer is accepted by the Seller after it has been paid for.
d) To the finall price of the order Seller adds the price for the shipping service (if not stated differently during the ordering process). It's possible to collect the order personally.

3.Transport costs are calculated automatically by the Service system and depend on the amount and the prices of the ordered goods, as well as the chosen way of delivery. In case it is not possible to make this automatic calculation, the transport costs will be sent to the Buyer via mail.

4.The time of delivery depends on the means of transport and the destination (the country). The Seller is not responsible for the delay on the part of the courier or Polish Mail

5.In case of made to measure garmens, the buyer is obligated to give his measurements due to guidelines given in the our service. The Seller is not responsible for any mistakes made by the Buyer during taking the measurements.

III. Making the payment.

1.After having received the confirmation from the Seller, the payment can be made in one of the following ways:

a)by making a deposit into the Seller's bank account (the costs of this are paid by the Buyer):
PL 91 1020 5011 0000 9502 0369 2563 BPKOPLPW
b)by credit card - using the system PayPal:
The Seller does not receive the number of the Buyer's credit card.

2.The Buyer has 3 days to make the payment after receiving the bill. If the payment is not made, the Seller repeals the order.

IV. Revocation of order, returns, complaints, warranty

1. 1. According to the Polish law the buyer owns a 14-day right of return from delivery of the product. The 10-day right of return do not include made-to-measure clothes and other goods which refer directly to the buyers person.

2. In case of a return of the bought product, the buyer has to return the products at his
own costs. Needed is an exit explanation with date, signature and information how the
buyer'd like to have his money paid back. The seller gets no handling charge.

3. Only unused products which is in a flawless state can be returned.

4. Herewith the seller explains that he considers every complaint, caused by the faulty
functioning of the products, however, not that one, that appeared by wrong use.

5. The shop takes no responsibility for mismatching of the clothes (or other products, that
have been produced on measure). This also refers to the change of the body mass of the
buyer during the use. Each finishing touches of the abovementioned problems are liable
for costs.

6. So that the complaint is recognised, the buyer is obligated to send the defective product
on his own costs. The defect description should be added. After recognition of the
complaint, the seller commits himself in the first row to repair the defective product, if
it's not possible or the repair costs are to high, the product can be exchanged for a new
one, without defect. The product is send back on the sellers costs during 14 work days.
In addition, the seller refunds the delivery costs to the buyer. The 14-day complaint term
is calculated from preservation of the defective product by the seller.
Repair duration can be extended, if necessary parts or materials are not accessible.

7. If there is no possibility for the exchange of the product,the buyer gets an alternative
product offered that disposes of similar qualities or a restitution of the amount incl. the
delivery costs.

8. The seller undertakes the interests of the buyer in particular what concerns the return
and complaint.

9. The restitution of the amount occurs within 14 days from preservation of the
complained products

10. Any correspondence with regard to return, complaint, cancellation of the order please
send to the following email address:

V. Personal data protection

1. Company Kamila Lipniewska  is obliged, according to RODO to protect the personal data, that the buyer has entrusted. The buyer has examination into his data, can modify this, and extinguish it completely.

2. The operator of all personal data is exclusively company Kamila Lipniewska, obligates himself, to use the entrusted personal data of the customer, exclusively for orderwinding up, statistics, and marketing. Personal data are not passed on to third parties.

4.When being paid through PayPal system the Seller does not receive any information about the Buyer's card. "PayPal Luxembourg" is responsible for security of this data.

5.Thefollowing regulation is valid from 2th February 2021.

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